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Opportunity Zones & Women and Minority Business Financing

The Opportunity Zones Program is yet another lending and investment program designed to spur development in the nation’s low-income (Black and Hispanic) communities, this one created by the prior Administration. The program was been created to benefit a small group of people, and has had limited positive community impact. (Still, it is a program you should be familiar with.) According to the US Department of the Treasury, "an Opportunity Zone is an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. Localities qualify as Opportunity Zones if they have been nominated for that designation by the state and that nomination has been certified by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury via his delegation of authority to the Internal Revenue Service." To see a video of our testimony at the IRS Hearing on Opportunity Zone (OZ) Regulations, click here.

To get a hard copy of the presentation on Proposed OZ Regulations, link here.

"Opportunity Zones were added to the tax code by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017. Opportunity Zones have now been designated covering parts of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories. A Qualified Opportunity Fund is an investment vehicle that is set up as either a partnership or corporation for investing in eligible property that is located in a Qualified Opportunity Zone."

Benefits of Opportunity Zone financing

  • For small businesses, it remains to be seen if the Opportunity Zone Program will result in any benefits. As with the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program, there are factors that might lead to small business benefits, but these are under the control of investors, who may or may not seek to share their benefits received with the businesses they invest in, if any.
  • And also as with the NMTC program, Opportunity Zone investors will probably provide consulting and training to small businesses in the Zones. In fact, many of the microlenders we discussed on our microlending page will also participate in the Opportunity Zone program.
  • Impact promoted, but profit is the main objective.
  • Will tend to be less racially or gender biased than mainstream firms.

While the amount of money potentially available is greater, the timeframe for investors to receive Opportunity Zone benefits is limited, and therefore, may make it harder for women and minority firms to receive funding.

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Features of Opportunity Zone financing for women and minority firms

Many Opportunity Zone Funds have noted their desire to make small business financing available, so it should be easy to identify potential funders. The problem is that the program is still very new, with many of these Opportunity Zone Funds still being formed. In addition, as we saw with the NMTC program, saying you will invest in small businesses is different from actually investing in small businesses. There is still a bias toward real estate that seems to be imbedded in each of these programs.

As with NMTC funding, we think this will be mainly a real estate financing program. Very few dollars will be allocated to small business financing, and fewer still to women and minority businesses, but if you can access this type of funding, it should be on flexible, lower cost than normal terms.

Loan Sizes

We expect Opportunity Zone Small Business investment sizes to range from $100,000 to $2,500,000.


Opportunity Zone borrowing is complicated, with many moving legal parts.

Reporting Requirements Higher

Due to the generosity of the tax credit and the limited amount of funding available, businesses that are fortunate enough to receive Opportunity Zone funding from a qualified Opportunity Zone Fund will have greater than normal reporting and administrative requirements.

Community Focus

The Opportunity Zone program is entirely geographically focused, but, given the nature of this tax credit, it will be focused on real estate. This means small business financing will be difficult to come by. What lending that has become available, generally has tended to be discriminatory: most Opportunity Zone Small Business Financing has help non-minority firms first.

Eligibility Criteria for Opportunity Zone financing

As with NMTC and microcredit financing (and especially because many microcredit lenders may be in or focus on Opportunity Zones) these Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds will have a specific geographic focus. A business is eligible for Opportunity Zone investments if all of the tangible property owned or leased by the business is in an Opportunity Zone. And it must meet the requirements for an enterprise zone business (below).

To make the best use of this resource, we suggest you research specific Opportunity Zone Funds to find out exactly what they look for when it comes to eligibility.

Requirements for an opportunity zone business

"A qualified Opportunity Zone business is a trade or business in which: (i) substantially all of the tangible property owned or leased is located in a qualified Opportunity Zone, (ii) at least 50% of the business’s total gross income is derived from the active conduct of a qualified business within a qualified Opportunity Zone, (iii) less than 5% of the average of the aggregate unadjusted bases of the business’s property must be attributable to nonqualified financial property; and (iv) a substantial portion of the business’s intangible property must be used in the active conduct of a qualified business in a qualified Opportunity Zone." "To qualify as an eligible Opportunity Zone Business, a business must demonstrate that substantially all its tangible business property is located within a Qualified Opportunity Zone."

Political Factors

If you are a minority or women-owned business, your ability to leverage Opportunity Zone loans from a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund, as with New Markets Tax Credit funding, will be enhanced by the careful, ethical application of political pressure.

Other Factors

Certain businesses are not eligible for Opportunity Zone funding, including a: “private or commercial golf course, country club, massage parlor, hot tub facility, suntan facility, racetrack or other facility used for gambling, or any store the principal business of which is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises.”

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The following documents may be required:

  • Location: For Opportunity Zone financing, you must be in an Opportunity Zone.
  • As we mentioned, this is mainly a real estate financing program. "Opportunity Funds can invest in any Qualified Opportunity Zone property, including stocks, partnership interest or business property (so long as property use commences with the fund, or if the fund makes significant improvements to the qualifying property)."
  • The organization or business doing the borrowing may need to meet "certain asset and revenue tests, and some businesses are prohibited from being borrowers or tenants in properties financed through the New Markets Tax Credit program." Research the specific Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund to determine your eligibility.
  • The basics: your name (or any other name you’ve ever used), address, etc. Your industry and date you started (or will start) your business. How you intend to use the funds. Basic Business Information and Permits - business operating address, entity type, and employer identification number (EIN).

Fees and charges

Fees vary widely for NMTC lenders.

  • Types of fees

    Charges applicable

  • Rate of interest
    Financing terms will vary. There has been limited smll business financing so far.
  • Origination fee
  • Loan administration fee:
  • Service Fee
  • Prepayment Fees
  • Check Processing Fees

Other Fees include Late Payment Fees, Closing Fees, taxes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Minority Small Business Opportunity Zone financing.

The Opportunity Zone program was originally intended to help investors with large capital gains. These investors tend to be wealthy and white. They will also tend to be greedy, and view investing in women and minority firms as a low profitability activity. (Funny thing is, due to the very racism and discrimination we cite, they won't be wrong.) Women and minority firms located in low to moderate communities will find it tough to benefit directly from the Opportunity Zone program, despite the fact that "the average Opportunity Zone consists of 56% minority residents." (In a speech given in San Francisco, California before the Greenlining Coalition’s First Annual Minority Economic Development Conference on March 5, 1994, we called for the creation of tax advantaged community development programs to provide equity capital to women and minority-owned businesses located in low income census tracts). It has not worked out that way. Still, it is worth spending some time to evaluate Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds to see if they provide loans to or make investment in minority and women run businesses in your community. Chances are they don't.

As with venture capital, most online lenders, and microcredit firms targeting women and minority businesses, Opportunity Zone firms have to be geographically focused. You must conduct a comprehensive review to determine if any work with women and minority businesses. If you need help, contact us.

According to INC Magazine, "Many states have passed a tax credit for minority business. The provisions and limitations of these credits vary from state to state. Many of them resemble the New Market Tax credit and give tax credits against state income tax to investments that are used to support minority building projects or encourage minority business ownership, which includes women-owned businesses. However, these credits are extremely tough to get and are highly competitive." Look for other tax credit programs at the State and local level that you may be able to use. Just don't put all of your eggs in the Opportunity Zone basket....it's likely to have a hole in it.

The IRS and the US Department of the Treasury.

Download OZ forms now

We have included some forms and templates you might find helpful in your search for OZ capital.

These sample funding documents are educational in nature. You will still need to review all documents with your team and with a lawyer.

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